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Thank you!

We are honored you've chosen us
to meet your request for a Haitian Creole Interpreter...

Click PLAY to listen to this important message from our Director of Interpreting Services.

If this is your first service request with our company, here's what to expect next:

  1. You will receive a “Welcome” email from our CEO, Steve Lank (please check your spam/junk folder). In the email, Steve will provide you the name of the associate assigned to your request.
  2.  The assigned Cesco Linguistic Services Associate will send you an introductory email with details on the next steps in servicing your request.
  3. In the next two business days, you will receive two additional emails from Steve. One email will give you a sense of who we are and what is most important to our company. The last email explains why no matter how serious our business life may be, we all need at least one good laugh a day

If you are a returning client, here's what to expect next:

  1. You will receive an email directly from the Cesco associate assigned to assist you with this request.
  2. That’s it. 😊

We know you have a choice on who to do business with and are honored you’ve selected our company.  

Again, thank you!

Translating Service Request

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    Company Name


    Work Phone Number *

    Mobile Phone Number

    Email address *

    Service Request Inquiry *

    Document TranslationOnline ResourceOther

    For the Fastest Response, Please Attach The File(s) Requiring Translation, If Available (doc,docx,pdf,xls,xlsx,pages only). You can upload up to 4 files.

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    Interpreting Service Request

    Your Contact Information

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      Last Name *

      Company Name


      Work Phone Number *

      Mobile Phone Number

      Email address *

      Service Request Inquiry *

      Face-to-Face InterpretingInterpreting by TelephoneVideo InterpretingSimultaneous Conference InterpretingMultilingual Events

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      The Definitive Guide to Flawless Multilingual Events

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